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We appreciate everyone’s patience during our Southern Snow event - we’re not used to this! No UPS for 3 days in a row…supposed to be -15 today!! Would anyone be upset if we moved this baby to Florida? Stay Safe, Stay Warm everyone!
May your time stuck inside be spent on your favorite weaving project!



Woolery Guy, I empathize! Here in Cincinnati, we're snowed in too ! However I don't have a business to run! Yes, to day is a great day to just give in to being home, and presuing our fav pastimes, mine tapestry , I'll be picking out colors. good luck to you, Cathie


Here in Utah we are having one of the worst snow (ski) winters ever!  This means I am out hiking rather than XC skiing (but not complaining!).  Be careful with the snow removal, take it slow, and watch for ice. 


I think we had a total of about 2 inches this year, in three separate events that melted off the roads by 9 a.m., if they stuck there at all!

Queezle, drove through SLC Monday to a weird, just over the city snowstorm at about 40 degrees, so it melted on contact.  Odd!

sally orgren

We are managing the snow here in New Jersey okay (hey, at least we aren't Boston!), but it's the frigid temps that may prove troublesome long term. They don't bury pipes as deep here as they do in the Midwest, where they are accustomed to sub-zero conditions. As a consequence of the sustained cold, we are hearing about more water mains breaking under roads, pipes in homes, and sprinkler systems in corporate locations.

Yes, I have fingers crossed + faucets dribbling ;-)



I live on Cape Cod, an hour and a half from Boston. Every time I think we are done, we get another five inches of snow! I'd love to send some out to SLC. My brother lives in Utah, and he wants to go skiing too! I have to admit, on days I'm not driving to work, it's nice to watch the flakes fall as I weave, or teach myself to spin!


I live on Cape Cod, an hour and a half from Boston. Every time I think we are done, we get another five inches of snow! I'd love to send some out to SLC. My brother lives in Utah, and he wants to go skiing too! I have to admit, on days I'm not driving to work, it's nice to watch the flakes fall as I weave, or teach myself to spin! I'm also putting together my next order to the Woolery!


I live on Cape Cod, an hour and a half from Boston. Every time I think we are done, we get another five inches of snow! I'd love to send some out to SLC. My brother lives in Utah, and he wants to go skiing too! I have to admit, on days I'm not driving to work, it's nice to watch the flakes fall as I weave, or teach myself to spin! I'm also putting together my next order to the Woolery!


I live on Cape Cod, an hour and a half from Boston. Every time I think we are done, we get another five inches of snow! I'd love to send some out to SLC. My brother lives in Utah, and he wants to go skiing too! I have to admit, on days I'm not driving to work, it's nice to watch the flakes fall as I weave, or teach myself to spin! I'm also putting together my next order to the Woolery!


I live on Cape Cod, an hour and a half from Boston. Every time I think we are done, we get another five inches of snow! I'd love to send some out to SLC. My brother lives in Utah, and he wants to go skiing too! I have to admit, on days I'm not driving to work, it's nice to watch the flakes fall as I weave, or teach myself to spin! I'm also putting together my next order to the Woolery!


In case you hadn't guessed, I'm a newbie!  Sorry to spam you!


In case you hadn't guessed, I'm a newbie!  Sorry to spam you!