I'm a novice weaver who wants to do fine weaving and rugs.  For this I need a new loom and researching them has me thinking a CB is the logical choice.  But I have no experience with CB looms.  I joined this group to learn about them.  Does anyone know of a video that demonstrates how they work, particularly for twill?  I've read everything I can find on them but I'm a very visual learner and my brain can't translate the writing into pictures



Counter balanced looms create the shed by pulling the shafts down rather than pushing them up. MP Davisons book is written for counter balanced looms. I have a Leclerc Fanny loom and it is a real work horse. I've done everything from silk scarves to rugs on it. Cheers Laura


And watching your Efficient Weaver video has so far given me my best look at these looms in action.  Great video by the way.  It taught me a lot AND got me hankering for a Fanny


Glad you found the DVD helpful. The Mira model is even sturdier because the back beam diesnt fold up. The roller type counter balance type loom doesn't give a great shed on unbalanced weaves unless you get the shed regulator. I find I rarely do unbalanced weaves but if I need to, a low profile shuttle generally gets me through what I need to do. Cheers Laura