I just remembered today that there is quite a bit of errata for Mastering Weave Structures.  Here is the link for the corrections.



Thank you ma'am. I'm also looking for other inserts for som of my other books. Thanks for the link. :)


I knew there were corrections for MWS, but I did not realize all the others  that were out there, and I do have some of those books as well.  Spent some time downloading corrections last night.


Thank you so much. I see several books I own and must update.


Thank you so much. I see several books I own and must update.


I also noticed there was an errata of an errata. Page 172. The only difference I saw was fig 7.7a threading on the right, 1 then 3.  Then in a second revision 1 then 2. It's not a biggy, but maybe the defunct page should have been tossed from the PDF file. ;)