Tie together to form groups to put a lashing cord through for the apron rod? An inch worth? 1/2 inch? Does it matter? Thanks.....



Wish I could remember what Laura Fry says in her video "The Efficient Weaver"; an awesome video and well worth the $$$ spent.



The groups about 2.5 inches ... Played havoc with the tension. Wove 5 inches and cut it off as a sample. So, I'll re tie them tomorrow much narrower and see how it goes. First project so, I'm just fiddling and experimenting. Weave and learn :-) it's only cotton.


I usually do about an inch.  Much more than that and there can be tension issues (although not always).  Much less and you spend a lot of time tieing knots.  :-/

Draw in will happen regardless of how the warp is secured to the apron.  That's a separate issue.  Generally you should expect around 10% draw in as you weave.  Any more than that and selvedges can suffer.  Sometimes it is less depending on the weave structure and/or fibre.




I took the sample off the loom and measured it. I had about 8% draw in and after washing the total width decrease was 13%. I'll tie smaller bits tomorrow and see how it goes.


That's about standard. Cheers Laura


I'm with Laura, I don't see how tie up and draw in are related.  If you tie up in large groups. it makes it harder and takes more pics to even out the warp.  If you use really little bundles, as Laura said, it is tedious.  If I am starting something where I don't want to waste any warp (I want the tie on threads to be the fringe of the piece, usually expensive or a limited amount of warp, or both) I tie on in little, tiny bunches.  Generally, too much draw in in related to not giving enough weft in the pic.