Hello Everyone -  I am a begining weaver who is getting back into weaving.  I am currently saving to buy a loom. In the meantime I have been watching instuctional videos and looking at books.  I have watched both Deborh Chandler videos 1. Introduction to weaving.  Beginning four harness weaving.  I also have the Anne Dixion book mentioned in the subject line.  If anyone out there also has this book can you please help clarify something for me?    Please forgive me if I don't use the proper terminology.  I am a bit embarassed to ask but -  On page 29 a plain weave is shown.  Top left of the page shows the tie up pattern.  The top right side of the page shows the shaft pattern.  Along the right side of the page, next to an image of a sample weave there is a grid 14x roughly 30 squares.  The first two rows are blank. The third and fourth row of the grid shows the last 2 ( or first two? ) depending how it is read?  sqiares of the grid are filled in with two number 1's filled in.  Also this pattern of the third and fourth square  there is a repaeat symbol to indicate to repete this sequence until it changes futher down the page that shows a series of diagonial series of 4 1's.  My question is what do these numbers indicate?  What  or how should I read this?  Please help.  




It never occurred to me that a book would tell you how many times to throw the shuttle. I just kept looking at the graph thinking it was showing something else.  Something far more difficult.  I knew I would be embarrassed asking this qestion.  

I am so embarresed.

sarahnopp (not verified)

That is a common question and not something to be concerned about. Weaving terminology and books are a bit of a steep learning curve, and expectations of understanding change with each generation. I am glad you figured it out :)


Different it seems across many classic references. The more I look at the various books and magazine/ online information the easier it has become to intuit the information. I'm a baby beginner as well and am in the same steep learning curve as you are. Here's to new endeavors!

Eileen Crawford

Scandinavian and US drafts are different in their orientation too...I struggle with making sense of these, and am looking forward to the day that it is clear.  I am weaving with a countermarche floor loom and a jack table loom, just to confuse me more.   I liken this learning to driving on the right side and the left side of the road.  


embarrassed - I am sure others have had this some questions and by asking it you have probably helped someone else. This is how we all learn.


If you don't actually have a loom in front of you, the patterns, drafts, treadling, can be confusing.  When yo actually get a loom, it will be clearer.


How do I do a repeat in a threading color draft? If I am warping and the draft tells me to repeat x5 do I put on the warp the first time in order in the repeat then go back to the start of the repeat and do it 4 more times or is it 6 ,1 for the first time then 5 more times for the repeat, then go on to the next section of the draft this section has no repeats so I put the colors on in that order now I'm back to a repeat. I see I seem to be repeating myself I am new to this as if you dident already know that. :) Deborah

Erica J

I think you've got it Fourdf. If for example the draft puts in brackets 1,2,4,3 x 2, you would thread those 8 threads 1,2,4,3,1,2,4,3. I hope this helps, Erica