Hi All, I'm a very new weaver - will be warping my loom solo for the first time tomorrow. I'm wondering if hemstitching is sufficient alone - that is you can cut the warp close to it and the edge stays or if it's just a decorative line between fringe and the cloth. Do you still have to tie knots up near it to maintain the integrity of the cloth? I'm this new (holds hands out far apart like telling a fish story).... :-) and very excited to receive my loom this evening. Jean PS: I have a 45 inch wide loomcraft which we got at a salvage auction and have pretty much got it refurbished - will be warping it for a lap throw first then a small bathroom rug for a friend and the little loom that is coming today is a wolf pup LT. That will be used this first time for some simple tea towels, then for some pillows....



Careful snug hemstitching works fine with a really short (1") fringe or longer. I don't have experience with anything shorter. You don't need the knots also, unless you just like the look of them.


Thank you, Pam. I understand now.


Like Pam said, hwmstitching by itself is fine unless you are working with Rayon or linen. Those tend to wear faster unless the fringes are twisted or braided. If you are new and looking for on line resources, Craftsy has a class with Janet Dawson which is highly rated. It comes on sale regularly. I have video clips on You Tube. My user name is lauraannfry1 And of course there are the Interweave Press DVDs, most of which are available as downloads. Craft Daily also has them, sometimes cheaper than Interweave. Welcome to the wonderful world of weaving. Cheers Laura


Thank you, Laura. I have watched both your "efficient weaver" and "wet finishing" DVDs. I'll check out the you tube links as well. There certainly is a lot to learn which is part of the fun. I am looking forward to completing my first solo project.