Hi All, I am new to this site and new to weaving. I have gotten and my husband has cleaned up a 45" loomcraft. I'd like to switch to texsolv cord for the tie up and am wondering if you can tell me how long each cord should be, taking into account extra length to go through the holes and be held in place by something. Either an anchor pin or arrow peg? Thank you for you advice, Jean



Anchor pins like holes in a specific size, or they tend ot fall out. Arrow pegs don't go through a hole themselves, so they are more versatile. IMO, of course.


Thank you , Kerstin. I figure I'll just get the arrow pegs as, like you say, they will work for any location. I'm so new at this that I've only woven tea towels at a one on one three day workshop. We spent all day the first day deciding on patterns and then dressing the loom. I spent the next day and a half weaving the towels. So, my learning curve is at the bottom looking UP!


If you have parts like countermarch jacks on your loom that glide past one another with very small clearances an anchor pin is real handy. Trying to fit cord around the jacks with an arrow pin won't work unless it's inserted in the hole and pinned from above/below, but it's only secure then when under tension during weaving. I use a lot of anchor pins tying treadles, and lamms as well. They only require one hand to maniplate into the cord. An arrow pin takes two hands. Or for me at least. With tension being pretty much constant on the cords when weaving, I rarely have a treadle peg come out and have never had one detach from the cord, so if it does come out of the hole it still has a hold on the cord. As Kerstin says, they do need the proper diameter hole. :)


Having worked with many old looms from before-Texsolv, I can tell you it can happen that the anchor pegs fall out - especially if the holes are too big and/or worn. Of course there is one way to eliminate that:

(Picture from texsolv.se)

So I guess that it also depends on how the actual loom is built.


Anything is possible, but if you tried to tie the cord onto itself, like pictured, in my jacks, then the whole system would jam up.


Well, it's a loomcraft so I'll just have to experiment and see how it goes. It has cord slipped through the holes and tied with granny knots which I am going to replace with the texsolv some way. Thanks y'all


I have a TOTT jack loom that came with too few treadle-to-lamm chains to tie up and switched to Texsolv.  I used anchor pins for the reason that Reed Guy mentioned, the clearence between the lamms is very small.  It works well, except that the holes are a little too big and the pegs come off the cord every so often.  I am working on ways to reduce the size of the holes.  So far, it's not been enough of an inconvenience to warrant something like replacing the lamms.


Could you epoxy the holes and drill fresh holes (7/32 Ø) after it hardens? :)


I could; I had not thought of that.  Thanks!