Hi all, my name is Connie .. I've been Lurking around fot the past 18 weeks .. You all have helped a lot! Now since I've grown from a rigid heddle into a new to me 36" Harrisville T6 .. I'm lost.. I do know where to find the Tabby and know one Tie-up for Twill that is 1 6 2 5 but I have no clue what other types of weaving I can do on it .. I would love to know the tie up for Rose Path and Birds Eye .. Can anyone help me with this Please? I'm also trying to learn how to read and understand drafts .. I do have a few books on the subject but they still haven't entered my brain yet! Thank you for any help you all can send my way, Connie in Louisiana



Two very good beginner weaving books are "Learning to Weave" by Deborah Chandler and "Weaving for Beginners" by Peggy Osterkamp. The first mentioned book is older and also less expensive. The second book is expensive but extremely thorough. Both are very helpful. The other book that would be good to have is "the Handweaver's Pattern Book" by Marguerite Davison. It is a book of weaving patterns for four shaft looms and isn't a how-to book. The beginning of this book explains how to read the drafts in the book. One or both of the beginner books I mentioned and "the Handweaver's Pattern Book" are all you will need for a long time.

Nassajah (not verified)

Hi Connie, 


Chandler and Davidson's books are excellent sources.  We also hae really great DVD's or downloads from Interweave Press that you can watch as you sit at the loom.  Also, Craftsy has a very informative 'class' on their sites as well.  One last suggestions is to join your local guild--they usually have class for beginning weaving and members who love to share their knowledge with others.

PS. I have the same loom in a 40 inch--it's a great loom.


Hi all, Thank You All for replying .. I do have 3 books.. One is learning to weave by Deborah Chandler, Designing for Weaving by Carol S. Kurtz and The Weaving,Spinning, and Dyeing Book By Rachel Brown.. I brought my books to the Dr's office with me and started getting down to the serious business in learning .. After waiting an hour and half for the nurse to call me then waiting for the Dr I was still studying .. My dr came in and asked how I was .. Out of the blue I said I Got It! Haha he looked at me like I lost my marbles are something.. Goes to show by bring your books along can be more help then studying at home.. Now to use my software iweaveit! Thank You all again, Connie in Louisiana