Hi my name is Ashleigh and i work for a company called U-Weave Looms. We handcraft handheld wooden weaving looms in various sizes and pin settings. We are trying to expand our Client Basis and i thought i may have some luck on the weaving forums. So if you are interested please check out our website: www.u-weave-looms.com Right now we are currently offering some great Cyber Monday specials. Have a wonderful day

Ashleigh Gerambio

U-Weave Looms

Marketing Director


Bonnie Inouye (not verified)

Ashleigh, while you are here, please take a look at the projects and drafts that weavers use with shaft looms. Somebody might want a small, simple portable loom for travel, perhaps, but frame looms are very slow and of limited use when compared with shaft looms.