Wondering if it is possible to put on one warp in with two different lengths in order to save waste yarn.  I plan to make two repweave rugs; one will be 27" wide and one is about 35" wide in the same pattern (the wider rug would have an additional repeat).

If I created three bouts, two the same length and one shorter, is it possible to put that onto the beam without too much trouble.  I would tape or wrap down the shorter bout and put it on the left side, weave the 27" wide rug first, then add the additional 8" to the heddles and reed, and make the wider rug. 

My concern is that the rug will not be centered in the reed or on the loom.  Will this be a problem?  Trying to save myself on wasting about 800 yards.  Please let me know your thoughts.  Thank you.




Interesting idea!  I think if you have a sectional beam it could work - I would try to center the longer warp, and add repeats of the pattern on either side to make the wide warp.  Without a sectional beam, It would be hard to tension the outsides of the warp and tape it down.


Is it possible to do the entire wide warp and then take off the last repeat warp after weaving the wider rug and weave the 27" width (which would still not be centered when weaving)?  That way I would only be wasting about 200 yards instead of 800 with the additional waste of rewarping?



I was thinking with my original idea, that I could put the wider warp on in three bouts and once the shorter warp was on the beam, wrapping it to stay in place until I wove the longer warp, then finish the beaming the longer warp.  If that makes any sense at all.



Well, you can put on a warp the wider width, then cut down the threads you don't need.  This doesn't save you any yarn, but will save you loads of time.  Since the biggest investment in creating any handwoven textile is the time it takes to dress the loom, I don't worry too much about 'wasting' some yarn.  I can always buy more yarn, I can never buy more time.  But it all depends on which you have more of - time or money...




Laura, I should have known the "Efficient Weaver" would have the most important answer.  Saving the time and 600 yards of waste is ideal with my proposed warp.  Thank you.


P.S.  I have your video and love it!