In trying to empty out my stash a bit, I came across a skein of variegated rayon chenille, around 1300 yd/lb. I want to use that as weft for a scarf. For warp, I have two choices: Jagger-Spun Maine Line wool (2,240 yd/lb), or 5/2 mercerized cotton (2,100 yd/lb). (I also have lots of 2/10 mercerized cotton, but these other two items have been sitting around for years). Any ideas as to which would work better with the chenille, (including if they would shrink an equal amount, on finishing), and what sett I would use?

Any suggestions are gratefully received. If I'm a while getting back to you, it's because I have a bad Internet connection in poor weather, and there's a snow storm coming...

Frances Gualtieri

Vankoughnet, Ontario



Dena (not verified)

Out of those two choices, I would go with the cotton.  My experience is mixing wool with chenille takes away much of the lovely feeling that chenille has.  Cotton will do that as well, but not as much as wool.  I wouldn't worry about unequal shrinkage if one is warp and the other weft.

Frances G. (not verified)

OK, I'll go with the cotton. Any suggestions as to the sett of the 5/2 cotton? I guess I'll just go with plain weave.

Frances Gualtieri