I am getting a new to me LeClerc Table Warping Mill that wraps 2 yards per turn. Would like to use it to do a 3 yard warp.  I have searched the web about doing an uneven number of yards and am not able to find any information.  Is it possible to do a 3 yard, 5 yard, etc. warp on a 2 yard warping mill?  If so, an explanation would be helpful.  Thank you so much!




A measuring string is a good place to start: make a loop in one end, measure out your ideal length, mark it somehow (but do not cut).

Experiment with different paths. Sketch below is not to scale, but the idea isthat the purple and the green "paths" are the same length.

The cross pieces should be moveable, so with experimenting with different paths and the placement of the cross pieces it should be possible to make nearly any length you want.

(Disclaimer: I have never seen a Leclerc mill in person - mine is a very old Glimåkra...)

Nassajah (not verified)

This a great visual!  Thank you for taking the time to demonstrate.



Thank you for your great response and especially the awesome visual!!






Yeah, thanks to all your help, my first warp on my new warping mill went perfect.  Was able to get my 3 yard warp.  Again, thanks again,
