I recently bought an older used Kessenich 8 shaft 46 inch loom, and am finding that some of the shafts stick in the up position.  I've rubbed the sides of the shafts and the inside of the castle with beeswax - any other suggestions?  Thanks much.



Beeswax is sticky, not slippery.  I suggest scraping the beeswax off on using a good paste furniture wax.  Also, take a look at the linkage that raises the shafts to make sure nothing is sticking there.


many Kessenich looms.  There are small blocks of wood at the top of the castle.  Remove those and oil the pullies inside.  Also, on the side of the castle (both sides) there are holes for oiling the rods.  Be sure to put towels/rags at the bottom of the castles in case any oil runs down.  I use sewing machine oil and give everything a pretty good squirt and then, leaving the wood caps off, work all of the treadles up and down.  That should easy everything up.  You need to do this whenever the shafts start to stick.