Is there somewhere I can look up the general yardage and/or weight requirements of various woven items?  I can easily figure it for my knitted items but need some help for wovens.





Depends on your yarn - how thick it is, how many yards per pound, weave structure, density you require for the cloth to serve it's intended purpose.

There are many places to find a worksheet to figure out yarn requirements.  I think Marg Coe loaded a spread sheet to Weavolution.  Check Resources.



Andrew Kieran (not verified)

epi x warp width x warp length (including wastage)    ---   for warp


ppi x woven length x warp width   ---   for weft


add 5-10% for wastage and you have the length of yarn required

find the count of your yarn and calculate accordingly.


edited 28/10/14 to correct the first sum