We’re excited to announce the return of the Woolery’s Fiber Toys of Christmas!
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Starting October 3 (yes, Friday!), and each Friday until Christmas, there will be a fantastic fiber toy on sale and weekly giveaways! We’ll be posting the coupon codes and directions for entering the giveaways on Facebook, Twitter, here on Weavolution, and the Woolery website.

We love this promotion and we hope you enjoy it too!


Erica J

I love this promotion! It is fun and dangerous all at the same time!

conib (not verified)

Sounds like trouble. Just be sure not to put your stainless custom reeds on sale and I'll be okay. I think. -- Constance

The WooleryGuy (not verified)

The 4th Fiber Toy of Christmas is a Unicorn Fibre Power Scour Rinse Gift Set.

The WooleryGuy (not verified)

Thank you all for a wonderful season of Fiber Toys! We hope you enjoyed it as much as we have!