I bought a 22" 8h macomber for sampling and small projects, so that I could have two looms going. I have a very annoying problem which maybe others have had and solved.

While treadling, the hooks which tie the treadles to the lams keep popping off. I tried crimping them so that they are tighter, but the metal is soft enough to loosen as I work and to fall off yet again. With complex tie-ips, this is very disconcerting when I have woven off several inches only to notice that the pattern is way off. I have spent more time unweaving and reattaching those blasted hooks than actually getting a finished product. I contacted macomber, with no response.The loom also tends to "walk" across the floor, even with weights over the bottom bars. That problem, I can live with, though.

Anyone out there with brilliant ideas?


TinaHilton (not verified)

Do you have the super hooks that go over the lamms or the ones that poke through the holes?  I like the super hooks better.  The main thing with Macombers to is to treadle softly -- don't slam the treadle down and then just take your foot off.  You don't have to be slow, just be a little more gentle.

Some people have converted theirs to texsolv, using the arrow pegs to connect it to the treadle.  I haven't felt the need to do that.

TinaHilton (not verified)

I almost forgot about this.  If you use the super hooks, a friend showed me how she keeps them on the lamms.  You buy these castrating bands (Tractor Supply has them if you have that store nearby).  I know I bought some of those, now I just have to figure out where I put them!super hook with bandcastrating bands

Peg R

Thanks. Great advice in both posts. Going from a heavy 60" floor loom to this, I can see where I may be a bit harder on the treadling. I'll slow down and be more gentle. I did figure out how the castrating bands work and I happen to have some! We have sheep. That size looks like what she used, but it is a bit awkward crawling under there to use them. The super hooks looked like a wonderful idea, until I had this issue. Thanks again for the input. I'll try both.


There is a group dedicated to Macombers. You might want to join that group and repost your question to get even more ideas. Here is the link http://www.weavolution.com/?q=group/macomber-looms

SallyE (not verified)

This is a common problem.   Here is a post discussing it:



Michael White

First off Macomber didn't make a 22 inch loom, Reg Mac B5-A= 24 inches, Baby Macs CP-H= 20 inch 8 harness & CP-J=20. Measure the inside of the harness frame to get your true size. Check SallyE's posting number 5 to get some answers to this problem.Michael