Hi all. I am looking for Castles for a 59" Glimakra Standard Loom. (Not sure if the castles are all the same) I recently bought what I thought was odds and ends of a bunch of looms. Low and behold there was a complete Glimakra...minus Castles. Why they were not there we don't know. All of this had been in a storage locker in central Maine. If anyone has some hanging around not in use, please let me know.



Daye weaver, I don't really know what you mean by "castles". It's not a term I've heard of connected to a Glimakra or other Swedish-style countermarch.  A picture or description would help.  Once you've identified the part, the Halls at Glimakra USA can give you a price for replacement parts.  These looms last 30-40 years and are so infrequently damaged enough to be sold "for parts" that making or buying replacements is your best bet.


Do you mean "shaft holders"? (an old British book I have calls them "castles") If so, you could improvise with a pair of knitting needles and a rubber band for each needle - hook a string (or a piece of texsolv) over the top frame and connect to the needles. - the only function of the shaft holders is to keep the shafts even when doing the tie-up(s), both top and bottom.

DAYe Weaver

Castles to me have always been the side pieces that hold the working parts of the loom. It may be an old term. I don't know how to add a picture here. Deb

DAYe Weaver

I've emailed Glimakra USA, still waiting on a reply.

DAYe Weaver

Glimakra also calls them Gables, or Side Frames.


My understanding of a castle is the framework at the top of the loom that holds the shafts.
