Cathie and I had a successful first meet up. It was an informal chat about our experiences with the CoE. It was really nice to hear Cathy's experiences. We have all undertaken a program of study, but it is a goid program and we will learn a lot!

I'd like to go ahead and schedule a meet up in October! Does Sunday 19 October work for anyone else?





Hi Erica, It was great talking to you this morning! It was a productive session. Lots to talk about! I can do October 19 th. Cathie


I really wish we had group notifications! I had no idea there was a call this weekend and would have liked to be there. I don't log in here all that often since nothing happened for so long. 



Oct. 19 looks pretty busy. How about the 18th?  A little later in the day would work best for me on the weekend, I need the mornings to rest up from having to get up too early during the week. Say 1pm US Central Time?  That would be 7PM GMT -- is that too late?  In a pinch the 19th is ok, maybe around 11 CT, so  5pm GMT.  Happy to a early morning meeting but can't really swing it on the weekends.




I can do anytime on the 18 or or 19 just need to know about it ahead of time :) the 22 nd to Nov. 4 th I'm not available, going to Patagonia ! Of course, you people go ahead if that period of time works for you! Cathie

Erica J

1 CST on the 18th works for me. It sounds like it sorks for everyone else too, is that correct?

As for e-mail notifications, I just got them up and running. We now a small group of testers need testers. I a  happy for this group to be the first test group.

If you are interested in testing please follow tyese instductions and let me know you are testing the settings.

  1. Go to your profile
  2. Click the Notifications tab/button
  3. Click Content Type
  4. In the first dropdown menu, choose Group Post
  5. Choose your send interval, immediately, hourly, daily, etc.
  6. Choose Mail as the Send Method
  7. Click Create Subscription




The 18 th at 2:00 EST is good for me, so I'm all onboard with you two! Erica, I'm happy to be a tester. I went to do this and only made 1 mistake, lol! I put mail as the first preference. I went back to change it and it looked like I would be duplicating the subscription . Hmmmm. Should I just fill out the form a second time? Cathie


Mine said 'save' instead of 'create subscription' but that was simple enough.

Any idea why weavo keeps logging me out? I know that was a problem a while back... maybe it's jut not solved. Not a biggie, just wanted to mention it.

Anyway. Happy to be  a tester!

Erica J

I'll take a look at your subscriptions today. I think I'll start another thread here for testing feedback. 

The login issue was fixed, but tge fix caused a bigger problem, so we need to investigate other solutions.


Right off the bat I would say that the group notifications have to be able to be set for each group. I belong to ton of groups, but don't necessarily want to hear from each of them all the time, and don't want to unsubscribe.

I think we also need spellchecker :)



I have a run a way I pad, there's no fixing that :) I swear there's a gremlin in it ! Cathie


I just got 3 notifications of the above message.. was that the gremlin at work or a glitch in the system?