You don't have to be an expert on a topic to lead a House. You just need to be excited about the topic and focusing on it during Halloweave.

Chances are if you are interested in a challenge, others will be as well!




sarahnopp (not verified)

I just took a look at previous year HalloWeave topics and there is quite a diversity!

Tablecloths; Intentional shrinkageSprang. And other ones. Interesting and funny posts in there :) 

sarahnopp (not verified)

Hi Erica, I am trying to find directions on what to/ how to be a leader. The link that I followed went nowhere. Sorry, I assume it is somewhere, but I am having a hard time pulling all the HalloWeave info into a semblance for myself.

Erica J

I'm glad you're interested in leading a team. There are a set of Halloweave Frequently Asked Questions. As for being a leader, all we really ask is that you create the team and encourage other team members and discussion throughout the month. If you want to go all out, we can help you host live events, either via the Cyber Fiber Platform, or Google Hangouts. You may also see if you can find a sponsor for your team and offer a prize just for your team. While we're on the topic, we'll be awarding prizes to the People's Choice Awards, for the 3 Halloweave Project with the most votes, and a few random prize draws throughout the month. Keep an eye out for other prizes.


I never thought about a sponsor for my team - what a great idea - don't know if I can pull it off but I am going to ask around!