Is there a way to sort the posts so you can read the newest posts first?


Oli J

Hello Don,

The site automatically sorts by most recently updated. At this point, allowing Users to sort would take up too many system resources, that is explanation our developers have given. This is on our to-do list for the site redevelopment though. So please stay tuned. 

Kind Regards,

Oliver and Erica

Don G

Ok, I can see that the newest post come first, now how do you get to the new update. if the post has over 200 entries starting in 2011 how do scroll to the bottom which is the last update. Don


Easy peasy. Two ways to do it.

1. Sign in. Go to GROUPS AND FORUMS or DASHBOARD and look at the list of forum messages.  Click on the "1 new" link. The board takes you to the message thread, wait a few seconds,  and it will take you to the new message.

2. Same as above, only click on a forum message topic. On the right, just above the replies, will be something like "5 replies [1 new]." Click on the "1 new" and you will be taken to the new message. 

If it says, for example,  3 new, you're taken to the first new message of the three.

Michael White

If you have a PC just hit end and it will take you to the bottom of the list. Home will take you to the top of the page.




There is usually a "last post" link to the right above the replies that will also take you to the bottom (well, the last post) but I find the "new" link more useful, as it takes me to the first post I haven't read yet.