My wife was given what we believe is a 22" Nilus LeClerc Meco table loom by a dear lady almost 90 who loved weaving and was quite talented. We have a box of books - some back to 1926, a bunch of patterns and samples.  We have the loom, a homemade table, some metal hooks and other stuff.  We believe there are 4 harnesses in place with a red, blue, yellow and white plastic handle and another similar set of 4 harnesses in a frame that can also be mounted somewhere. She said there are no bobbins.  Right now what puzzles us is 4 pieces of wood that are 22" long.  On one side there are three small holes that go all the way through and on the other side 2 smaller holes that only go part way through the wood.  The lady can't remember what they are for, where they go, nothing except we need them.  Can any one help point us in the right direction?  I couldn't seem to find anything on LeClerc's site that really helped us.  Included in the books is a 1971 version of Warp and Weave.  If anyone can enlighten us a bit or point us in the right direction to some drawings, etc. that would help us who aren't even novices yet that would be much appreciated.  I have a picture below. Thanks in advance.


jander14indoor (not verified)

Check out the Leclerc website, they have most of the manuals on line for the older looms.

Jeff Anderson

Livonia, MI


The four extra pieces look a lot like the four side bars (2 on each side) already on the loom.  According to the manual Jeff found, the 8 shaft version uses longer crossbars than the 4 shaft version.  If the unused parts are a little shorter, I suspect they were original equipment with the 4 shaft version.