Anyone here? Working on a CoE?  I'm still at it, I'm jumping around and currently working on Inlays. I'm loving going down a wormhole of exploration with most of these samples. Anyone else??


Erica J

I am though the redevelopment has put my certificate work on hold. I would love to have regular meet ups. I would suggest a Google Hangout, which we  an record of folks wpuld find that useful. We can keep the recording private.

How often and what tk e would work. I kniw we discussed this before, but I assume some peooel's schedules have changed.


Google hangout would be perfect.

I'm in US Central Time, so 6 hours behind GMT, weekday days are best, and my son  leaves for school at 7 so early morning is ok. What day is good depends entirely on what time of day we try to meet up, they're all a bit different.

I had som PM conversations with Cathie Beckman. It would be nice if some of the people, such as Cathie, who have been through the CoE were in this group, and/ or some of the experienced weavers such as Laura Fry, Joanne Hall or Robyn Spady (the latter two have chaired the CoE committee in the past for HGA) -- if they were willing. Could we invite them to join us?

Erica J

I'm more than happy to invite them to the group. I have been reading through both HGA's COE and UKWSD's COA, so I may be confusing the 2, but I'm fairly certain judges cannot judge if they know who's work they are judging. So I am a bit hesitant to have anyone hete who may end up looking over any of the final submissions. Does that make sense?


Absolutely, anonymity is really important. Cathie and I talked about that. But as far as Laura, Joanne and Robyn go-- Joanne and Robyn were more than willing to look at my samples at Convergence. I talke a really long time with Robyn about the CoE, and she told me that she doesn't want to be a juror because she can help people more if she isn't. She was incredibly generous with her time and I'm very thankful for that. Joanne has also been great. I've emailed some pictures with questions to Laura, and I suspect she doesn't want to juror--she's also currently limiting her travel. But I don't know. 

Judie Eatough is the current HGA Mentor and has also been wonderful in answering my many questions. I'd love for her to be in this group as well. 

That's a lot of teachers!

But I think if any of these were invited to the group, they would say 'no' if there was any  chance of them being jurors.  



Absolutely, anonymity is really important. Cathie and I talked about that. But as far as Laura, Joanne and Robyn go-- Joanne and Robyn were more than willing to look at my samples at Convergence. I talke a really long time with Robyn about the CoE, and she told me that she doesn't want to be a juror because she can help people more if she isn't. She was incredibly generous with her time and I'm very thankful for that. Joanne has also been great. I've emailed some pictures with questions to Laura, and I suspect she doesn't want to juror--she's also currently limiting her travel. But I don't know. 

Judie Eatough is the current HGA Mentor and has also been wonderful in answering my many questions. I'd love for her to be in this group as well. 

That's a lot of teachers!

But I think if any of these were invited to the group, they would say 'no' if there was any  chance of them being jurors.  


Erica J

Sounds great! Goog point about those folks letting us know if they would be potential jurors! It would be great to have teachers here to give thier expert input and help us get an idea if we're on the right track or veering down into the bramble bushes.


So, could we invite Robyn, Laura and Joanne to join us? Would it be appropriate to also ask Judie, since she's the HGA mentor? I don't want to impose on any of them, but they would all be very helpful.... I'm sure they would say no if they were going to be jurors


Hi Marie and Erica!

I think you have excellent ideas for people to help you ! I have been e-mailing with Mary Ann Sanborn , COE Chair, and I know you've spoken with her in person Marie but asked me to double check, and she has no probem with this study group. She thinks it's a great idea !

I would love to be meeting regularly with this group and will not be a Examiner ( Juror) in 2016. I received the COE Level ll in 1996, and COE Level l in 1994. So I'm an oldie, but still a goodie, I think :)

However I would not be comfortable looking at people's samples and being asked to make comments. I mean I'd love to see them, but and this is a big objection, It is really the candidate's judgement that is trying to be developed. If other's want to comment that's there opinion, but I won't.

Want I will do is try to answer questions of other sorts, are the examiners really strict about this? Do you really need to do that? Sources, etc., general cheerleader!

If you think that's helpful, then I'll join the fun!


I'd love your input and of course would never expect you to comment in a way that you didn't want to. Although I do appreciate any guidance in developing my own judgment too :)

Hurray for cheerleaders!