I am wondering if anyone has had experience with changing out the tie-up pins for a lighter, quieter system like Texsolv or something similar to what Schacht designed.


Michael White

Macomber baby Mac owners have changed to Texsolv. On the big macs I have not heard of anyone switching to Texsolv because of the weight of the shafts. It will be interesting to see who replys to your request. I am soing to cross post this over on Ravelry.



Peg.Cherre (not verified)

Have you heard anything on this, Michael?  I, too, have a big Mac, not a Baby Mac.

Personally, I prefer the old-style hooks (go in the holes) to the 'super hooks.'  I had my son make a bunch for me and they work great....except he made them out of stainless which is stronger than the lamms and therefore the holes are stretching out quickly. 

So I'm using the super hooks as needed. I find them harder to hook up correctly, and although they don't often 'pop off' on me, they do commonly grab the next lamm.  So turn the hook around and they grab the lamm in front. 

Since it doesn't appear that Texsolv is the way to go with the big Macs due to weight, I'm wondering if anyone's done a modification similar to the tie up for older (I think) LeClerc's, where there's a long cotter-pin-like piece that slips through rings/chain/other attached to the lamms and is held in place by rings or similar affixed to each treadle.  (Although I have a friend with a loom with this tie up system and I've seen it in person, I tried unsuccessfully to find a picture.  Probably because I don't know the loom maker.)

Long story short, since I'm soon going to be forced to use more/all super hooks, I'd love to hear about alternatives for the big Macs.




why would weight be a problem with Texsolv? (just curious)

Michael White

Since your son is good at working with metal you could change over to a system like the one use on Harrisville multi harness loom. Using a wire bar and chain/hooks I make some using a 1/16" steel cable and stap hooks for a 22/8 that was missing hooks. I will send you a picture when I have a few mins.


Peg.Cherre (not verified)

Thanks, Michael. Sounds like what I'm looking for - what I tried to explain.

My son lives 90 miles away so it won't happen overnight, but it can happen, once I see pix.


mrdubyah (not verified)

Sounds like another bent hook problem.  These are much easier to solve by straightening out the bent hooks then by switching to texsolv.  Just take a pair of plyers and bend the little "beak" at the upper end of the superhook back into line so it won't snag the adjacent lams.  Only takes a few seconds.  While you're at it, make sure that the loops are closed enough to grip the lam firmly and check to be sure the long ends are nice and straight.  Your loom will be good as new.  Macombers are designed to work best with hooks not texsolv.  I've seen several cases (especially on the baby mac) where Texsolv tie ups wouldn't slide properly in the treadle slot, putting angled pressure on the lams that popped them out of the tracks and damaged them. 

Peg.Cherre (not verified)

Thanks for the comment, mrdubyah.  I have quite a few super hooks, and I wish I knew just what they should look like, since mine have a variety of angles at the top.  I know some are too loose and I've closed them a bit.  Others are so tight that once I get them on it takes a great deal of work to remove them from the lamm - I generally smack my hand during the process.  Can you tell me the exact dimensions of what they should be?