Hi all

Have an opportunity to purchase an 8 Shaft Dundas 10" table loom

I know nothing about them - see that they used to be made by a place in Montana that is no longer in business

I want to do scaves and other small items

It has tesolv heddles with a wooden bar to hold them

Can I change to metal ones?

One reed and lease sticks


I need to get back to this woman quickly





Bonnie Inouye (not verified)

I like Texsolv heddles. Have you tried them? A table loom is often chosen because it is portable. Metal heddles would make the loom heavier.

Table looms operate with levers which you move with your hands. This makes them much less efficient than floor looms with treadles, but it is also easier to store and move a table loom. Levers at the front of the loom are generally easier to use than those at one side or both sides or on top. Dundas looms have a good reputation. I believe they are similar to Mountain table looms. Compare prices with other looms about the same size.

10" is smaller than most looms. Remember that your cloth will not be as wide as the warp in the reed- there is some pull-in and more shrinkage when the fabric is washed the first time, letting the yarns relax.

Bonnie Inouye

Elk Ridge Orch… (not verified)

thanks Bonnie

the loom that I am considering has the levers on top (I have a table top leclerc that has them on the side near the top and it has metal heddles)

the lady is selling it, is brining it to our next guild meeting and it has a warp on it so I can try it out

i had gone to this website http://www.montanalooms.com/catalog.php?category=19 to read about it - but they are no longer making the loom

thanks for the info and I will think about it more



Bonnie Inouye (not verified)

When you have more than 4 shafts, it can be more important to have all the levers in a row.  I do prefer them across the front of the loom. Imagine that you are weaving a piece and the first pick needs a 3/1/1/3 lift. You move levers for shafts 1+2+3 and shaft 5. It's nice when the first 3 can be raised together with one hand. When the levers are all in a row, the tie-up combinations make sense. It's pretty easy to memorize the tie-up and just follow the treadling sequence.

The LeClerc Voyageur table looms have front levers but not the older style, the Dorothy.
