Probably a really basic question, but I cannot find the answer anywhere!  Does it mean where the warp and weft form an interlacing??  Thanks for your help!!



It is tempting to say that a tie-down is the opposite of a float, except that not all structures which produce floats (e.g. twills) use this terminology. For cloth that has both ground and pattern threads, such as overshot, a tie-down is where a ground thread crosses (fixes or ties down) a pattern thread.  Weft crossing warp in the tabby ground would not count as a tie-down.  Will that work? 



Rose (not verified)

Thank you MaryMartha.  That helps me a lot!  Yes, I am working with overshot.  :)  I'm new and I'm going to keep your description with my notes to help me continue to figure out the instructions.  I'm a little unsure why the tabby ground would not be considered a tie-down as the ground thread is woven in tabby...  In a pattern row with floats, the tie-down will be the area of that row that is not woven as floats?


Rose, I think I've lead us both astray.  Are you maybe looking at a "tied overshot" (Strickler, Chapter 16)?  In this case, the pattern shafts alternate with tie-down shafts (usually one and two) in the threading.  Another example would be the "double 2-tie" class of plaited (braided) twills. See Strickler, p. 100, fig. 10-2, also in Summer and Winter and various inlays.  The tie-down refers to threads/shafts in the threading, not tabby in the treadling. 

Boy, I wish one of the teachers will jump in. Are we back on the right track?

Rose (not verified)

Hi MaryMartha,  I have heard the term tie-down before, but never knew what it meant.  Right now, I am specifically trying to understand it in this regard:  Learning Double Corduroy popularized by Peter Collingwood, and described in Weaver's Craft Issue 25, pg. 20.  'Weave Pile from the right, cutting the pile to length after the last "tie-down".  :)


You can download the whole Collingwood book (The techniques of rug weaving) from - link to download page. It describes a lot of different techniques, but double corduroy is in there, somewhere around page 400 ->.

Rose (not verified)

Yes, I have the book and the link, thank you Kerstin.  Figuring out what he means is another story!


There is a good section on Corduroy in Sharon Alderman's book " Mastering Weave Structures" ( sorry not at home) plus good definitions of tie downs, overshot tie downs etc in Madelyn van de Hooghts workbook " Goggle her, it's some thing like Drafting for Handweavers. Technical, but IMHO, very good, Hope this helps. Wish I was home so could get the titles right!


Alderman, Mastering weave structures, pp. 190-196 shows drawdowns for various corduroys on plainweave and twill grounds using various numbers of shafts.  Typically, in single corduroys, certain shafts always weave tie-downs and other shafts always weave weft floats.  But she then shows a 4 shaft double corduroy on a twill ground "in the style of Peter Collingwood" where no shaft always weaves tie-downs.  Which shafts create the float and which the tie-down varies from pick to pick.  There are two picks of floats between each pick of tabby ground. 

I would think, at a minimum, you'd want to weave the two picks of floats and then the tabby pick before cutting.  Alderman recommends weaving about an inch before stopping to cut, but then always cutting the pile under tension at the loom.

I checked the lovely Weaver's craft errata page but there's nothing for issue 25.

Silklinencashmere (not verified)

I took a day of seminars with Robyn Spady at Convergence 2012 and half the day was on velvet and corduroy. She is really wonderful and would be a great resource if you have questions about corduroy specifically. I will look through my papers and try to find her contact info.


I have keen interest in leaning knit and wool stuffs. The post is helpful for me in so many ways. Thanks a lot.
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