Does anyone have any experience using 8/2 mop cotton as weft and cotton 8/4 rug warp with the intention of making a rug?

If so, what sett did you use? (I used a sett of 15epi) and what are your thoughts about your results? Also, any good sources for 75/6 mop cotton? apparenly this is better suited for rugs.

any thoughts or wisdom to share? :)



WarpedWoof (not verified)

The Mannings has mop cotton in many colors. Have you tried Borg's string yarn?  Vavstuga sells it in many colors and three different sizes. I prefer the string yarn.



Great Northern Weaving has mop cotton in several colors and all the colors of Maysville rug warp.  I have never used it, but they use if for rep warp.

allegra (not verified)

thank you for your reply!


Mbrassard has 80 colors of mop cotton at 16/8 and the price is extremely reasonable. I didn't check out the shipping charges though.

allegra (not verified)

Thank you for your reply! Now, i just need to get a hold of 75/6 mop cotton or is it 76/5? anyway..... and not in natural or white.


16/8 is going to be the same size as 8/4 rug yarn.  75/5 or 76/5 will be much thinner.

allegra (not verified)


Thanks. yes, still trying to understand all these numbers. I read on one of the websites that 75/6 is appropriate for rug use. I'll have to remember where I found it.


I found 75/6 mop cotton at yarnbarn. Available in natural only.

allegra (not verified)

Thank you! appreciate the post! from what I understand, the natural cannot be dyed? some of the oils are left that prevent it from taking dye well.