I just got a cendrel inkle loom and even with the instructions I found online(thank you weavolution) I can not figure out how to make the heddles. If I follow the directions ( as I understand them) the are very short and Makes a lousy shed. If any one can give me an explanation on how to do the heddles and/or an image, I would be eternally grateful!



Tie a yarn to the front peg and go straight to the back upper peg and tie it off.  This is the path the yarns that go through the heddles need to take.  

Now take your heddle yarn and make one heddle around this warp yarn, so that it is exactly the length you want it.   Now you can remove the warp yarn and the heddle, and you have a sample heddle of the exact size you need.  Try to find two pegs on the inkle loom that fit the heddle, so you can tie more of them.  If you can't find two pegs that are even close, you may need to make a jig of a piece of scrap wood and two nails.