I purchased a used Baby Wolf loom and am having trouble with the brake slipping. The cable doesn't hold tight enough and sometimes the tension just releases as I weave. Should I clean the pully and cable? Would something like WD 40 help?




jander14indoor (not verified)

Cleaning and cable adjustment may help, but it also appears that the brake just wears out on these looms. 

I also acquired a used Baby Wolf who's brake slipped.  Helped some to tighten the cable, but never completely fixed it.  Eventually I replaced it (cost was pretty reasonable).  Difference was night and day.  Light cable pressure locked it SOLID, released fully when needed.  Replacement was pretty simple.

One person's experience anyway.

Jeff Anderson

Livonia, MI

thistle rose weaving

WD 40 and wood are not a good combination, the oil can be harmful to the wood and it's finish.  I agree with Jeff, replacement of the brake cable is the way to go.  Have seen a loom where the brake cable was worn out and the owner kept trying to tighten the cable and ended wearing a groove in the loom.  


I had this issue with my first (used) Baby Wolf as well. Turned out that the brake drum was just worn out. A call to Schacht, ~$100, and one week later, I was back in business. Hasn't needed replacing since.

sequel (not verified)

The early Baby Wolf had a brake that wasn't as good as it could have been.  Schacht make a replacement brake kit to solve that problem.  You'll need to give them your serial number to get the right one.


NEVER use WD40 or any oil or lubricants on the brake cable or drum.  You need friction to make the brake work!