I am fairly new to weaving. I have an Ashford rigid heddle loom. I want to weave wool (worsted) for a winter cardigan with a 7.5 dpi heddle. My pattern in the warp is: 1 Brown, 1 Tan, 1 Gray, 2 Black, repeat.

My question is, how does one warp a single thread on a rigid heddle loom? Cut each thread? Tie it to the next color?

Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks, KK



cut and tie each color to the next one its fussy but it will help to eliminate the twisted threads that could happen if you tried to  carry the colors across - did that make any sense. I am assuming you are direct warping - although even if I was using a warping board I would cut and tie each color. . .


Thank you, it made perfect sense! So, no magic wand, here, huh? LOL. Thanks for your reply!


but no such luck. Now when I have been doing a two color warp with alternating colors I just warp all one color skipping dents along the way, go back and pull the warp of the second color in the skipped dents, then separate everything as I thread the holes - there is crossing of the warp threads right at the warp beam but it has never casued any issues with the weaving. But with more than two colors I think warping like this would be a mess. Easier to cut and tie!