I have a wool blanket that was absolutely trashed by my dry cleaner.  He washed it in hot water (!) and then agitated it so much, I think, that the fringe has frayed, not to mention the fell of the cloth is now unstable.  Two questions:  (1) What can I do to stabilize the fell?  (2) How can I retwist the fringe without causing further damage to the fell?

Needless to say, I won't be using that dry cleaner anymore.  Thanks so much for any suggestions.




You could cut the fringe off and bind the edge?



Are you sure he used hot water?  The fringe doesn't look felted, just frayed.  If it's wool, you could retwist the fringe and steam it to set.  If the weave itself is damaged from agitation, he probably used a solvent, not water.  Hot water would full or felt the weave, which is what you could do to stabilize it.  If you do. be carefull not to felt the fringe.  You can put it in a sink full of sudsy hot water and agitate until you get it fulled enough to be stable.  I often weave wool throws with a very open sett to be fulled for stability.


Monica, I answered you under the other post:) Cathie

Monica Bellas (not verified)

Thanks, everyone, for the suggestions.  Laura, it occurred to me on the way to work this morning that I cut cut off the fringe and bind the edges.Big White Sofa Dog, I "assumed" he used hot water as the blanket is about 1/3 smaller than it was; in any event, the weft was weakened/torn in several areas, so I think I'm going to say goodbye to the fringe and bind the fell.  :/