I recently purchased an older Macomber that was partially restored. I replaced the heddles, added superhooks, new beater bar pads and replaced few other parts. I warped it with a point twill and am having some difficulty with the shed. The beater bar assembly is at the lowest position but the shed still seems kinda small. I don't ever remember having this issue with a Macomber before. I am beginning to think the chains that hold the harnesses may be too long. Is there a standard length that they should be? These are 7" long. I also noticed the floating selvedge sits about an inch and a half higher than the threads in the heddles. On my other loom it usually sits just a little higher, maybe 1/4 to 1/2". it is a 48" weaving width. How long are the chains not including the hooks on other people's looms?



Dena (not verified)

I am at Convergence now so I am not in front of my Macombers to measure, but if you count the links, it should be either ten or eleven.  Both should work, it's personal preference.


10 links on mine = 5.5 inches hook to hook


Thanks to weavolution friends for solving another problem. The chains were 7" long with 12 links. I removed 2 from each and now they are 10 links and 5.5" and the shed is perfect. :) happy weaving!

Michael White

From Macomber the looms come with 12 links. Have you checked your beater position, some looms have 2 or 3 slots and a adjustable cam.


Michael White

1- 11/2 sounds right. Remember you have to get the shuttle under it.You answered my other question above. Try moving the beater cam to the lowest postion to see if that will give you a better shed




in the beginning I had the beater bar in the lowest position and made sure the cams were adjusted down. This loom has 3 positions.The shed was only about an inch and a half high when fully open. The floating selvedge was actually sitting a little higher than the top of the shed. My shuttle was barely fitting through. I compared the size of the chain links to my other Macomber that has the original chains and the individual links on this loom are slightly bigger. Whoever replaced the chains used a different size chain so 12 links was too long. I adjusted the chains to 10 links and set the beater bar in the middle position. Now I am getting a nice 3" wide shed and the floating selvedge sits nice and neat in the middle so I can easily go under or over depending on which I need. 


Michael White

the chain and/or the size of the S hooks makes the factory setting outdated. Glad that you were able to workout the correct fix.
