I bought my old Leclerc counterbalance loom from someone who's grandmother used to weave. It came with tubs and tubs of yarn that I only recently went through. Some of the yarn was hand-labelled "silk noil" with the number of cones there were. I just wound some of the yarn off and am IN. LOVE. Seriously. I would love to find a source for yarn similar to this, or the original source, if that's at all possible. I am attaching pictures of the cone and label on the inside and hope that someone can help me out! Thanks!!

*Side note: I did try googling it every way possible, but had no luck!*


 Silk Noil Yarn Label

Silk Noil


Dena (not verified)

I had a few cones of it in my stash for years and then last year I made some gorgeous eight shaft huck scarves with it.  I believe it was a random mill end.  Good luck finding the source.

jlread (not verified)

Years back,  I ordered some from the Yarn Barn...try them

sequel (not verified)

I have some silk noil.  I'll have to do some digging to see if it's like yours.  But you may find similar stuff for sale now.

sequel (not verified)

Mine's a lot finer than yours.