Passing on a special project promoted by the San Antonio Weavers guild, sounds quite exciting, take time to watch the trailer if your internet allows!  Deb Mc
We all enjoyed the beautiful, traditional Lithuanian weaving and needlework Rasa Silenas shared with us in her guild program. A documentary entitled Keepers of the Loom is being filmed on the weaving and  needle art traditions of the Baltic countries that were brought to Canada and the US when so many were forced to flee their homelands by Stalin. 
The producers are seeking financial help and have opened a crowd funding site. They are asking anyone interested in this fascinating art to provide financial help.
You can get more information at this link. A small donation brings big rewards!
Trish Aston reports that, "The trailer for the documentary is fascinating - watch and enjoy!"


bolivian warmi

Only 10 days left to reach their goal...this is urgent!