Can you please give me advise as to the best way to warp this slippery looking yarn.  I am a new weaver and am apprehensive to start on the project.

Any help would be appreciated. 





I plan on making scarves after dyeing the yarn.  Should I make the warps short i.e. 3 yards long, enough for one scarf rather than a longer warp to make several?


Well I would warp enough for several scarves - you get less waste that way and you spend less time warping the loom overall.  But I can't help with any special problems you might be facing from a slippery yarn - hopefully someone with way more experience than me can help you with that, now that we know what the situation is.

I suspect it would help to tell us what kind of loom you have as well.  Also how you are planning to warp on - do you warp back to front, front to back, on the loom, off the loom / rough sleying, do you use a raddle or any thing like a warping wheel, etc.


I have a Glimakra 4 harness table loom which I warp front to back on the loom and do not have a raddle or warping wheel only a warping board.  I am not sure what you mean by "rough" sleying.

Sara von Tresckow

This is a case where a simple raddle and back to front warping will tension and stabilize the warp prior to cutting the ends for threading and sleying.

It doesn't take much to get a board and pound in nails an inch apart - and it makes infinite sense to apply this rayon to the warp beam before you do anything else. That way the warp ends can only misbehave in the short section where they are exposed.


Thank you for your advise - will do as you suggest.

