Recommendations/help needed.  Fairly new weaver.

OK, I'm finally getting to the end of weaving a coverlet for my father.  Need some recommendations/help on finishing it.

Background.  Project is woven summer & winter, snowballs & roses with pinetree border.  In loom 43.5 inches in width, two halves have to be joined to make it wide enough for the bed. I've sampled extensively (for me at least) to get warp and weft settings right, verify wet finishing, even finished a down sized table runner.

OK, so my qeustions:

I need to stitch the two pieces up the center, based on other discussions on weavolution I'm planning on a baseball stitch to keep it relatively flat.  I'm debating between using the background rayon to do the stitching or the cotton pattern weft.  Reasonable approach? Reason to use one thread over another?

Should I stitch together before or after wet finishing?  I'm thinking after so the cloth is stable, but welcome other opinions.

When should I hem the piece.  Again, I'm thinking after I join the two pieces so the hem is sort of continuous across the width.    Also to hide any minor differences in length due to less than perfect consistency on the beating leading to different finished length.  Reasonable?


Thanks in advance for your suggestions,

Jeff Anderson

Livonia, MI




The best is to stitch pieces together before wet finishing - the seam usually disappears.  I think you should use a background thread because you are seaming the background and you want the same shrinkage in wet finishing. You can also try on your samples to join edges an inch with rayon, an inch with cotton and see which one looks better.


I plan on doing the same for making quilt fabric from overshot weave this coming winter. I'll be interested in your results.

jander14indoor (not verified)

Glad to share when its done. 

Of course, wouldn't you know it, ran out of pattern thread three inches from the end!!  I think I calculated the requirement correctly, but I ripped out 6 inches of weaving early on and didn't save the yarn (taking too long, like reordering thread isn't...).  Didn't realize I was that close.

Oh well, live and learn.

Now, if I can just figure out how to get digital pictures from my antiquated cameras onto the computer and into weavolution, I'll do a nice project page.




I'm sure you'll figure out the photos, and yes I know how it is to be short on yarn. But, my trouble sometimes is not the project planning, but the changing of said plan. :D

Have a good one.

jander14indoor (not verified)

Project done and presented to my father this weekend.  Thanks to everyone who's helped me on this. 

The baseball stitch worked well to stitch the two halves together with a relatively flat seam.

With a little cheating on shrinkage, the two halves matched well enough when finished. 

Overall, pretty happy about the end product.

Now, to figure out how to get those pictures out of the camera!!! and I'll have a project page.


Jeff Anderson


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jander14indoor (not verified)

For those who requested it, added this to my projects at:

Somehow I missed a final picture with seam and hems, but at least I finished it and was able to give it to my father who's 91 and none to healthy.

Again, thanks to everyone for your suggestions and help!


PS, is there a way to get those two obvious spams deleted from the thread?


What a thoughtful gift. I bet your dad loved it. Well done!