A friend has an older AVL loom that she wants to sell.  This is either 16 or 24 shafts (don't remember).  She said that it can be used with an old PC, but she just used the Jaquard pegs.  I know that AVL makes a Jaquard loom, but I think she has an A series with mechanical dobby.  Am I correct in this assumption?  I will probably be in contact with her this weekend and can ask more questions.  I'm trying to figure out what a reasonable value for this would be,  It has a sandpaper beam, and extra warp beam, it's 60".  I have has good success using older cameras and printers with Windows 7 in a virtual Windows XP or 98 environment.  Is is possible to do this with loom drivers?


Sara von Tresckow

There is no such thing as a Jacquard peg - the reference is to the pegs on a mechanical dobby.

What you should definitely check out is whether the loom has an e-lift (60" width is a lot of weight to raise when weaving), and whether a compudobby of any type is mounted.

If there is no compudobby on this loom yet, check with AVL about what can be mounted.


Probably thes best thing you can do is to call AVL and find out what you have. If you have that information it will be easier to price it. You can also find out if the loom has the "Compudobby", the loom interface, how old it is, and what kind of software will run it. The Compudobdy is somewhat proprietary and it is not something that anyone can use a driver to do. AVL does provide a PD driver but not for a really old Compudobby.