Hello everybody! I am new to this wonderful world of weaving.  I am taking a weaving class at a local collage, and I am stuck!  I have been weaving a scarf, and have been meticulously writing down my steps, so I can reverse it at the midpoint and have the entire thing be symmetric when it hangs on the neck. ( I know, first mistake). Anyways, my professor is not available for the weekend, and I was working yesterday in the studio.  I ran out of warp threads!  I have 2-3 inches to go, and there is enough on the loom, but it is not enough to use.  I added threads to my back beam, and looped them through small sections of warp- maybe 20 at a time.  This method allowed me to weave until my warp strings were about an inch from the heddles.  I can go no further.  The harnesses are not lifting properly, and i was using a chunk of cardboard as a shuttle, because the regular shuttle was too big to fit through.  My question is this...is there any way to make this work, without tying all 240 loom strings onto individual "extender strings"?  I really only have 2 1/2 more days of class, and I would rather use that time to weave, then tie 240 strings :).  but, it is a scarf for  my mom, so i will do what it takes to make it turn out right.  Thank you so much to anyone who wnats to offer suggestions!  Have a great day!   Tanya


Michael White

Yes it will be very nice that your mother's scarf be symmetrical but you are worring yourself sick over a small mistake. Just weave it off as is and remember the next time to add extra warp, you can cut it off or use the extra as a sampler. You learn from your mistakes. If you really  need to have it right on both ends you could pick out the front end to made it right. Yes it would be a little bit shorter. If you need a fringe you could use the removed yarn to add a fringe.

Michael, GA Yarn Co.


thank you micheal!  im thinking that it will be more hassle than its worth, and my mom will most likely not care that it is not symmetrical, just me! :)