I am exploring the Maoria edge for a rug.  I can follow Peter Collingwood's directions.  BUT there are no directions of how to complete it.  What do you do with all of those ends?  Is it required that you turned over the do the edge on reverse?  I can't find any resource that explains what happens next.



If "back the other way" is the same as "doing the edge on reverse" ... maybe.  Here's a picture and short description:


If the "Maori Edge" is related to Taaniko weaving (twining), here are some illustrations of three edges in that style (and a brief description) at page 5 in this monograph on rug edges:




[email protected]

Thanks for the reply.  I had explored both of those links but reread them more carefully after you referred to them.  I think I am just to darn the ends back into the rug.  What do you think?


I think you ought to end up with just one end, or pair or group of ends, when all is done.  Everything else ought to be taken up in the twining as you go.  And I think that is just braided and knotted off, but you could weave it back in, probably.

But I'm not sure we are talking about the same thing - could you post a picture of what you have to deal with at this point?