I have a foldable 40" AVL, and I'm needing a heavier weight to get a tighter tension on a set of placemats - where can I find/make/buy them? The loom has an auto advance system, and a live weight tension - I think! I'm new to AVL's. Any advice it appreciated! Thanks! Kelly



You can make a weight easily. Keep the cord attached to where it is with the big spring and wind it as usual over the tension disk. Instead of doing the cinch business with the smaller spring just attach a bag of pennies (very adjustable), diving weights, whatever. It will just hang there in mid-air. I have some machine knitters plastic covered cast on weights that weigh 1/4lb each and I can hang as many as I need. The disk tensioning with the cable isn't all that great. The cords can get slick and not grip. You can use another cord. If that truly is the problem you can lightly rough up the disk with sandpaper or try a tiny amount of gymnist's rosin. You do want it to slip for the auto advance to work. The auto advance is pretty sensitive. You'll have to fool with it. Too much and you advance beyond the bumpers etc. One thing is that the 1/2 yard sectional beams and the plain beam are small in diameter on the FDL. It is super important that you get a very tight, flat, even warp. Ideally you should not have to weave under a super tight tension. The only reason you need to ratchet up the warp tension is because some of your threads are loose and you have to clear the shed. Do not weave with the warp beam handle attached. It creates a counterweight.


Thanks so much for the insight - very appreicated! I never knew about not weaving with the warp beam handle attached, makes sense.  

Good to know I can make my own weights, I had figured as much but was shy to do it.  And also good to know about not needing to weave with a super tight tension - very helpful.

I had another issue come up I was going to post on the forum, but maybe you'll have an idea:  I was weaving along just fine, and then shafts started dropping, or not picking up at all.  Out of 4 shafts that should rise, the dobby arm (I think the correct term) only picks up one or two.  And it had previously been fine for several yards.  I readjusted the dobby arm, and tried realigning the black computer box, but they're still dropping.  Any ideas? 


I don't have a Compudobby on my 40" but I do on my 60". If you are losing the pattern altogether, no lifting, you might check that your computer/netbook whatever is not connected to the Internet and you don't have screen savers, frequent virus checking etc, This can cause the software to freeze up with system interruptions. Also if you have a significant twist in some yarns behind the heddle, the affected shafts might not rise or will drop.