I finally saw the the "create group post"-sorry for the comment.

I am trying to decide which size pick-up stick to get to do double weave and pick-up patterns with my 15in Schact.  The 16in sword is 7/8 inch wide; the 18in 1 1/8.  Do I go with 18 so I get a bigger shed or will the longer length drive me nuts?

My previous pick-up exerience was a stick close to the weaving width but both were wider than the 7/8in.





I would go with the longer stick.  I hink room for my hand is nice and the larger shed is easier to work with.


I have been known to use two short pickup sticks wnen i did not have one long enough. Works well, you are just picking and flipping for the shed. The cloth will never tell anyone two pockup sticks were used.