I am trying to learn more about weavin with tencel and cotton. I've read several posts from way back that say tencel+cotton is okay, but I wondered if there was any feedback regarding using:

8/2 Tencel as Warp for Overshot with Tencel as the grounging Tabby and unmercerized Cotton as the pattern weft

Is this combo okay? I am going to do a sample but I wanted to hear any thoughts and tips about shrinkage, wet finishing, etc. I am worried that using Tencel as both the warp and tabby would make the cotton act funny. Any prior XP on this subject from other weavers would be greatly appreciated.





One thing is the warp and tabby weft forms the ground cloth anyway, the cotton your using would be the actual pattern and halftoning effect. It think it will work just fine. But wait for others to reply as I've no experience with Tencel. I can't imagine any troubles though.

LauraSue (not verified)

I've been looking at overshot projects in the Yarn Barn of Kansas catalog and they offer an overshot project kit that uses 8/2 Tencel for warp and tabby and 5/2 (is that right?) mercerized cotton as the pattern weft. So, I don't see why your plan of tencel and unmercerized cotton wouldn't work. I think this is the point at which I am obliged to say, be sure to sample!

jander14indoor (not verified)

This is based on limited experience, but I'm using that exact combination for a summer & winter coverlet.  8/2 tencel for warp and tabby weft, 5/2 cotton for pattern weft.  The tencel is a little slippery so it took me some sampling to get the set right so my beat would produce a symmetric warp and tabby epi and ppi.  I ended up at 24 epi for the warp.  With that and a little weight added to my beater I'm getting consistent beat in at 24 pattern ppi and 24 tabby ppi.  That gives me a "square" pattern.

The small piece I made for my daughter as a table runner came out good after washing.  The wide piece takes a slightly harder beat to maintain the same ppi, but with a little practice I've been able to keep it consistent for the first half (110 inches of weaing) of the coverlet.

I will say again the tencel is slippery.  When I stop overnight, when I come back the last 4-8 picks will open up.  But a quick beat or two before I start seems to straigten that out and you can't find my start/stop points.


Jeff Anderson

Livonia, MI


Right now I am using 8/2 tencel warp and tabby with Rayon Chenille and my beat is okay. I've worked with tencel before and it IS slippery but I seem to do okay with it. I will do a sample and let you know how it comes out....