I went to college for textile design, my husband has fought me for 23 years & even though I have taught at established venues and have made an income from weaving he has been reluctant if not discouraging about my passion.  We are considering relocating and he has had our realtor research artist studio space for me !!!!!!!  I am so excited about this potential venture to finally have support in what I love to do!





That's great news....you're super talented and a hard worker, you deserve a great studio. I wish I lived closer to take classes from you. You wouldn't happening to be relocating to New England?


My husband has been vocally skeptical about my acheivements as a weaver; my first profession is a microbiologist, which has paid pretty well.  When I sold a loom to a woman in PA ( we are in MI), he and a friend agreed to deliver as part of a visit to a friend in a nearby city.  When I contacted her about how the delivery went, she said my husband said that I made the most beautiful things he had seen.  What a relevation!  I'm glad your partner appreciates your efforts.

sally orgren

BIG congratulations!

Buying our first house, we had to allow for real office space for me. Then we added a grand piano to replace the upright after a few years, and a few more years after that I got into weaving. Since the floor loom came third, it's crammed into a bedroom and I can't warp sectionally because there is no throw behind the loom. 

Next house — I want as much dedicated weaving studio space as I can get! A separate building is not out of the question. ;-)

jlread (not verified)

So happy for you Dawn....you have fought the long fight...time to win!

tien (not verified)

Congrats Dawn! That is so awesome - not just that you're getting a studio, but that he recognizes you need one!

mrdubyah (not verified)

You must be doing something right Dawn.  I'm lucky in that my wife (a knitter and spinner) has been very supportive of my weaving habit.  She's hardly complained at all as my looms have gradually pushed the couches out of the living room. (Couches are over-rated.)  Imagine having an actual studio! 

sally orgren

I'd trade the piano (and keyboard) for loom space in a heart beat, but I am not the musician in the house. He got first dibs on the prime real estate.

Ditto mrdubya regarding the couches, but I think guests would notice. I suspect a piano bench and loom bench might not be "welcoming" enough for visitors.

Flipping back to the actual possibility of a separate studio, what kind of square footage are you considering, Dawn?

Margery (not verified)

Glad to hear your enthusiasm! Way to go!


I warp several looms sectionally that have no working room behind,  I put the spool rack in front of the loom, guide the ribbon of warp, and go.


Congratulations Dawn on your up and coming and new studio. I would think you deserve it after all. :)

LOL couches, I never use one. You can't buy a good one anyway. They are all foam and no springs, and plywood frame. I prefer a good chair. If I want to lie down, I'll got to bed.

In my future new place, my upstairs will be my weaving area. The loom will be in a 16x20 area, but a bunch of other room for the equipment. All out of the way of the living area. Nice view for 20 miles across hills. And a porch for morning coffee. :)