I am new to weaving and need guidance on a yarn choice.  I want to weave a dish towel.  The weave structure is Huck Lace and calls for 40/2 Linen in the Warp and Weft and 42 epi.  Can I use 10/2 Cotton instead?  I assume the feel/look will be different (thicker) and well as other variables, i.e., take-up and shrinkage, but am curious if the 10/2 Cotton can be substituted.  Should I do 12 epi or double this?  Thank you for any direction you can provide.


sally orgren

Wind extra warp and sample the sett. (It's the easiest thing to adjust if you need to change it after threading your loom.) 

Yes, the towel will be much thicker/coarser than the linen sett at 42 epi.