I have a uion floor loom that was warrped when I got it. how do I replace/add new  warp is there a book out there? I'v made 2 rugs and love working the loom but only have enough warp for maybe a couple more rugs.



When you run out of warp, you have to buy a new loom. ;) Just kidding! Yes, you can rewarp. There are a lot of good weaving books, such as Deborah Chandler's, and tons of YouTube videos to illustrate the finer points. Are there any weavers near you to help you learn, or a guild, or a shop offering classes? 


You are so lucky to have woven on a good warp on your own new loom!  You are a leg up, as you know what to shoot for.

It might be worthwhile to read some of the older threads here discussing front-to-back (chandler book) and back-to-front warping.  I taught myself front-to-back many years ago, and its been a bit of a painful process to teach myself back-to-front (which I was convinced was better by people here, and I do think I make fewer mistakes with this strategy).  As Pammersw said, there are lots of great youtube videos to help you along.

Best of luck, and do post iyour projects!

Ann A

I am also a newbie and I find the video by Kate from Ashford to be extremely helpful. I have warped my loom now about 5 times and I still follow along to make sure I don't miss a step. I really like using a raddle and a raddle cross for keeping the threads organized.

Ann A

I forgot to mention that you can find the video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVjOF4cfc-Y

It's for a table loom, but I think the same principles apply for a floor loom.


jlread (not verified)

They have a sectional that can't be removed so you are bound to sectional warping.  Google sectional warping for the best info...I also have a union loom....a vintage one!


yeah my union loom is vintage as well belonged to my dad, then my sister. I think dad bought it form a little old lady in the 70's , it was "old " even back then. I found a book on line that explains pretty well how to rewarp it. FYI for anyone out there looking for a union book,  I printed the book for free off the internet.

sally orgren

Wind a new warp and tie it to the old one, in front of the reed.


year thanks thats kind of what the books says to do too.


I'm looking at new warp what's a good color/color combination to start with if i'm just doing random rag rugs. The warp is kinda spendy i'm a little afraid of ordering a color that might be too dominate.

steve104c (not verified)

How ever the way you warp,( front to back ,back to front) tie your new warp onto your old warp and pull it through your headles and reed or reed and headles and you want have re-thread the headles and reed. I use off-white on most of my rugs. When I get down to re-warping, I will try black for my next warp color......Steve.