Hi folks,

Hope someone here can help me. I purchased a 48", 12 harness LeClerc Nilart loom recently. In speaking with LcClerc they have identified it as being at least 40 years old. It is in amazing condition and I can't wait to start weaving on it. The problem is I have no idea how the brake works or how to set it up. It is a ratchet brake system (ratchets on the cloth beam as well as the warp beam. There is a brake pedal on the right side of the front of the loom and two ratchets on the warp beams (did I mention it has two warp beams, one being a sectional beam). There is no connection between the pedal and the ratchet levers.  Help!

Would appreciate if someone could send pictures/diagrams, something to help me out. Unfortunately LeClerc had no information to share.

Thanks in advance, look forward to hearing from someone!




Have you talked with Nina Manners at Camilla Valley Farms? Here is the website.


Maybe you can convert it to a band brake system.

I recently built a second beam for my home built loom using Leclerc loom parts. My secondary beam and the way I want it to work is different than what Leclerc intends for their own looms. However, I'm using the secondary beam for pile and padding warps which are not high tension. I do need to put the warp on with good tension so I also use the ratchet for this on the opposite end. The band wheel is on the right side with light tension, depending on the width of the warp. The warp on that beam will self release, similar to live weight. If I choose to use higher tension on that beam, I can do that to, but the structures I plan to weave for the most part do not require it.

Good luck with your loom. I'm sure something can be worked out. :)

sequel (not verified)

Warp and Weave is a book (that may be available on-line from LeClerc) that has diagrams of all the friction brake systems they have installed.  These books are available used for cheap!  But check if they are free to download from LeClerc first.


Yes, you can download it free from the LeClerc site. I do not remember where I found it on the site as that was more than  six months ago.


It should still be on their site. But I'm not sure there is much detail on the brake system, I think there is one page with mostly drawings. There have been changes over the years.

Lyn D

Hi Malcolm,

     The 2 pics above are the ones I sent.  I'm new here.  This is my first post and my first time sending pics.  Hehehe.....they're a tad too big, I had to post a second time to get some words in.

    Well, the 1st pic is my front brake, taken from inside the loom.  The 2nd pic is my back brake, taken from outside my loom (because I couldn't get to the back for an inside shot.  This loom is not a  Leclerc, it is a Norwood, however, they basically look similar.

    When you're ready to advance the warp, you pull the handle on the front brake at the same time as you press the back brake pedal.  This pedal releases the back brake so the warp can move forward.  You'll notice a wire attached to the end of the back brake handle and it goes down and attaches to the back end of  the pedal right below it.

     I hope seeing these pics with this little explination will help some.

Good luck,  Lyn





Thanks to all who replied to my plea for help. Unfortunately the LeClerc book (which is still available to download) only dealt with the friction brake, not the ratchet style.

I did go to Nina and she was able to help me. Evidently there should be a metal rod connecting the brake and the ratchet which I don't have. There is a second cord which controls the second warp beam. I will ask my son-in-law's husband to fabricate a new rod for me - he is a machinist/welder.

Thanks again, look forward to exploring the realm of 12 shaft weaving with "Clare".
