Can someone tell me, when using floating selvedges, should you give each floating selvedge thread its own space in the reed or do you just include it in the normal spacing pattern in the reed with the rest of the threads?



I've only used a floating selvage once, but I would give it it's own slot in the reed. One of mine broke from the friction of moving past the other threads. When I repaired it, I went through a separate slot and that worked out better.

Dr Astro

Yes, I put a floater in its own dent in the reed. Unless you have threaded several ends per dent, and the edge dent is not totally full. For example, if I were threading 3 ends in each dent, and the edge dent had only one or two ends, then I would put the floater in with them, so there will not be a big gap, and resulting extra wear on the floater.


I frequently use floating selvages as I do a lot of twill work. I use two threads on each side both in a separate dent in the reed. I find this helps with the tendency of the pattern on the edge to collapse towards the center.