I recently purchased a custom built floor loom that has Texsolv heddles. The heddles seem very tight on the heddle bars and are hard to slide around. The shafts have threaded rods on the sides with nuts to hold the wooden top and bottom bars on the shaft apart. I'd like to loosen them a bit so the heddles can move easier but not sure how loose to make them. Does anyone have any tips?



SallyE (not verified)

It is annoying when you can't move the heddles around, so loosen them just enough to allow movement.   The other option is to loosen them up  to thread the heddles, and then tighten them up again before you start to weave.



Thank you SallyE. Right now they are so tight on the bars that they can be plucked like guitar strings...takes two hands just to move one heddle. Just seems wrong to me, so I'll loosen and see how it goes. 


I have a table loom, Lauritz, with the same system. The heddles are string heddles, but not texsolv. I just loosen the screws of the rods when I take out or add heddles, or when I just want to move them around. When all is set up and I start weaving I fasten the screws, though not quite as tight as you describe it.


I did some modification to the shafts so the heddles are basically held by the weight of the bottom bar and it seems to be working fine. Thanks for all the suggestions!