I'm about  to purchase linen yarn and can't decide on which of the two. Their setts are about the same, so this is not the issue. I've read that 16/2 is much easier to handle but 16/1 has more sheen and better looking fabric ( though tangles a lot). I'm weaving now a C4 linen by Texere Yarns at 10 epi or 40/10cm into a rug and didn't have any serious problems, but that's my only experience of linen as warp. I'm weaving on a Louet David loom. I intend to weave a couple of table towels but mainly I'm interested in scarves and shawls. I'm willing to trouble myself for a better looking result but what if i don't make it? 

Please share with me your experience and help me deside. 

Oh! The reason i'm not giving a go at both of them is because i can't afford it right now.



Dawn McCarthy

I prefer linen singles as the sheen is better, however it can be wirey requiring sizing or dampening. Plied yarn tends to be stronger and easier to use than singles.  16/2 is not as crisp, I personally use the singles as weft and love the sheen and crispness.  The combination of fibers (cotton warp and linen weft) makes great towels, durable, easy care and the contrasting sheen is great.  Linen is yarn, as long as your dressing techniques are sound you should be fine, however I recommend singles as weft to get a feel for how it handles.

Combining two yarns gives you more mileage from the linen yarn when used as weft.  

I am sure other weavers will jump in on this with lots of great insight!  



Thank you Dawn McCarthy!

I have found resonable price for Bockens (I live in Europe). And since I live in a warm climate and summer is at the gates it's going to be shawls and scarves.A linen scarf can serve for nine months per year. What is sizing? I'm weaving with heavy linen now and had minor tension problems that were resolved with a damp towel near the back beam. Sheen attracts me like a glow worm and I'm leaning towards singles but what about breakage?

Dawn McCarthy

A little humidity will keep it stronger and less unruly.  Certain yarns can be better controlled by sizing - basically either spraying the warp with a preparation (there are lots of options) or dipping the warp chain in sizing.  

http://weavolution.com/forum/weaving/warp-sizing-10096  - here is a link to sizing right here on Weavolution.  You can experiment with a small sample warp - sometimes a little extra time and money on a sample can save later.


Joanne Hall

On the rigid heddle loom, I suggest that you use a cotton warp and use the linen as the weft.  If you get a larger loom with more depth, then the linen can be used as warp.  I have used linen as warp on a rigid heddle loom, but you have to do everything just right.



Thank you Joanne Hall. If you believe it I've made it on RH. Lots of efford though and loose sett. Would not do that anytime soon. I'm now weaving on my new to me David Louet loom. I would love to read your opinion on single linen.

Joanne Hall

If you mean making a warp with single linen, then I have just this advice.  Try it when your warping and weaving techniques are at a point where you won't be making mistakes.  The beaming of the warp needs to go smoothly.  And the weaving needs to progress without a lot of taking wefts out.  Taking out even a little bit of weaving may make the linen warp a little fuzzy and it will show in the final cloth.  Try the 16/1 linen first as a weft.  It is a beautiful thread.  I am weaving something with it right now.  But the warp is cotton, so it is easy to use.  I dampen it as I wind it onto the quill by letting it pass over a damp cloth.  When the weft is a little damp, it is easier to beat in.


Dawn McCarthy

Joanne gives good advice - I put my weft 16/1 wound quills in a sandwich bag with damp paper towel and it makes the weft so much better behaved, as I mentioned earlier - go with a cotton or even cotolin warp and use that fabulous singles yarn for weft!  Enjoy and have fun!



Your advices have been very helpful and I intend to follow them. So weft it will be. 

Thank you