I purchased a Dorothy 15 3/4" 4 shaft table loom a few months ago second hand but it only had 38 heddles per shaft & I wasn't able to get a warping board until now.

I am trying to figure out everything I need to start a first project (undecided, towels maybe?) and am placing an order with Camilla Valley Farm. So far I'm ordering: 9.5" wire heddles x 300, heddle hook, reed hook, 4" bobbins x 12. The loom came with 1 boat shuttle, should I just stick with that or order stick shuttles?

Besides my yarn, is there anything else I need? The reed is 12 dent & looks to be in decent condition.

How do I decide what type of yarn to purchase?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks! :)



You can use the same hook for reed and heddles (I use a heddle hook for both).


The reed hook is only $2.00 so for that price I'll just order it - good to know I can use the heddle hook for both jobs though!

As far as yarn, I've decided on 2/8 unmercerized cotton, I've heard this is a good yarn for tea towels. Ordering 1/2 lb each of White, Black & Cranberry: http://www.camillavalleyfarm.com/knit/cotton.htm