I reveived my first RH loom, a 24" Kramski Harp, yesterday. I know a little bit about weaving, a lot about fiber and nothing about RH looms except what I have read over the last several days. I got a catalog in the mail from Knitpicks, gave it a flip through and the picture of the loom beside the spinning wheel spoke to me. I have had a Kromski wheel for years. I don't spin on it much anymore having grown bored with kntting my own yarn. I watched a few weaving videos and ordered the loom right away.

I then watched more videos, ordered a book, downloaded another and read everything I could get my hands on (without spending too much more money), while I waited for my loom. When it arrived yesterday I was pretty confident I would be a weaving fool quickly. It want together easily, that is of course not taking into account that I put together nearly evey piece backwards. There were little feet sticking up that should have been on the bottom, that sort of thing. The screws to the pawls seemed way to big and when I got done I had four tiny screws left over in a nice brass. I still have no clue where they go. Once it was all together I put together the stand, same experirence, feet backwards and the like. It would have been rather quick except my mind wasn't right. My loom gave the option to string the braided strings in one peice or to cut them equal lengths and melt them. I had an experience in the past replacing my drive band on my spinning wheel that required flame. I was ready to take those puppies on. I only had to redo one of them and started no fires.

Then came the warping. I decided to go easy (chicken out) for the first time and use the warp peg. Now I had two clamps with my loom. I wished I had three. I also have not a single long table in my house that has a thin enough edge for the clams (oops). Undetered I decided I didn't need any stinking table and clamped the loom onto the one small table with a narrow edge I did have and the warp peg onto my desk across the room. Do not try this at home. It worked fine until the single clamp on the loom slipped (no suprise there) and halfway through all fell to the fllor. I could only save half the yarn (due to a loss of patience). I got it to work eventually, I will be warping on the back of the loom in the future or buying a new diningroom set. Eventually I started weaving with all the purple yarns I could find.

Thanks to all the posters here and online who have sent me in the right direction! It wasn't pretty, but I am weaving! When I figure out putting up a picture it will be in my account here.


Sara von Tresckow

You can always substitute quick release clamps from any hardware store for the clamps that came with your loom. they can also be used as warping pegs.


I use the back of a chair instead of a peg to warp my rigid heddle loom as the chair is solid and nothing slips off.

Nanette Kinslow

I did one project, the purple scarf, using the peg method. I then did the dish mat using the warping board on the back of the loom. The most recent project I made a strip of wood and drilled holes into it, five of them, the right size to hold the warping pegs that came with my loom. I clamped that across the room and used the loom on the stand with the feet weighted with books. I used a string the length I wanted for the warp to set the distance from the strip of pegs to the loom. So far that was the best method for me. It was quick, worked for a wider project and required very little set up and breakdown.


Those extra screws are in case you want to attach the apron rods to the front and back beams with a single cord going back and forth in a zigzag pattern.  If you look towards the edges of your beams, you will notice tiny little holes that you can put those screws in and then tie the cord to them.  I tried it but didnt have much like so I stuck with the individual melted-together cords.  

Nanette Kinslow

Thanks Raine. I hate those leftover parts. I also wanted to mention to new folks that shortly after getting my Harp I ordered a 8 dent heddle thinking that my loom came with a 10 dent as the instructions had said. Wrong. The new one was the same one as the one I had. I called the Woolery and they will be sending a 10 dent. I didn't know the difference. Another thing I learned.


My loom came with a 10-dent. Odd that yours was different.  You'd think they would all be the same.  Live and learn.

Nanette Kinslow

According to the gal at The Woolery they started shipping with 8 dents in January. Now I know I would have prefered the 10.


  My Harp came with the 10 dent and I wish I had an 8 with it ...lol  I for sure would be happy either way since I have to put out for another 10 and still don't have even one 8 dent yet ...LOL    Ahhhhhhhhh well!  Maybe the Good Lord will send me a little more cash in the future and I will spluge on two 8 dent heddles... :)    I have to say I got my Kromski 24 in September 13 and am loving it to pieces ..so much fun to weave on! NANETTE you are gonna love Warping on the back of you loom...really I was so afraid to start using it I nearly chickened out several times ... its not to hard to do and once you get the hang of it you will almost never go back to the one peg method. I now actually LIKE to warp .

Nanette Kinslow

I always remember my grandmother's words to people who said to her that they didn't have the patience to sew or knit or whatever. She would tell them that knitting (etc.) teaches patience. Thus I am loving my loom. I now own two 8 dent heddles, the one that came with the loom and the one I ordered by accident. Once I started reading about double weaving I kept it and ordered another set of heddle blocks and a 12 dent. Now I'm done ordering anything until I sell more of my books, lol. I am experimenting in between getting out in some spring weather. I really want to make a nice babay blanket for a very close friend's grandchild due in May. I have some nice yarn I just want to feel a bit more confident and (I never imagined I would say such a thing!) I am dying to make dishtowels!


I have yet to weave on my Kromski ....I just took a craftsy class that started with a Cricket loom stash buster scarf (I have the 10" loom) and now goes to the Kromski Harp for dishtowels (I have the 32"). I am missing some apron strings so ordered some Texsolve to make more. In the meantime, I can just remove a few since my project is only 16" wide. I have the loom turned over on its stand to access the warping part.  There were a couple of parts tht I don't understand left over.  I think one block is to hold the apron rod somehow? another has a fancy top...don't know what it is for? Hoping to resume watching the video tomorrow!





Erica J

We also have a great rigid heddle class, Weave Now on a Rigid Heddle Loom. It can be found here, http://www.weavolution.com/node/28388

Have fun everyone, I look forward to seeing all your projects.


RebeccaH (not verified)

I love your description of putting everything together, including mistakes.  "I only had to re-do one of them, and started no fires." LOL Cool